The California Fire Service July - August 2024

The California Fire Service 26

The study compared the death rates of golfers to non-golfers and found that the death rate in those who played golf regularly was 15.1%, as compared to 24.6% in those who did not play golf. Good Exercise for Elderly People Doctors recommend regular exercise for people of all ages. This keeps the muscles working and improves blood circulation, all of which are important indicators of good health. After a certain age, it becomes difficult to participate in certain sports such as basketball and tennis because of the level of fitness that calls for and the strain it puts on your body, but golf is a sport that can be played well into your old age. Even if you’re unable to walk the entire course to cover the 18 holes, playing golf uses specific muscles such as your core and upper body when you hit the balls. A good swing of the golf club also needs stability, and doing it regularly improves your sense of balance. This is because when you swing the golf club, your upper torso rotates and shifts your weight. Repeating this motion helps you sway in the correct form and improves your upper body leverage. Before you start playing golf, it’s also important to stretch your muscles. Doing this regularly keeps your muscles in good shape. Many elderly people who play golf regularly have repeatedly endorsed the benefits that they have experienced by playing the sport.

A study found that golfers had a 40% lower mortality rate as compared to non-golfers.


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