CTEX 2023 Onsite Program
Instructor Biographies
Heather Marques Chief Heather Marques, M.A. is a Division Chief of Medical Ser vices for an all - risk fire department in the East Bay of the San Francisco Bay Area. Her agency ’ s district covers over 500 square miles and provides fire suppression, ALS emergency medical services, fire prevention, and public education. Heather is trained as a Nationally Registered Paramedic, a hazmat special ist, a confined space rescue technician, water rescue specialist, and teaches at the fire academy. She also teaches paramedic level courses and is a certified instructor and lead skills evaluator for the California State Fire Marshal. She serves on the Califor nia State Fire Association (CSFA) Leadership, Equity, Diversity and Service committee. Heather holds an associate degree in photography, an associate degree in paramedicine, and a bache lor ’ s degree in anthropology from the University of California at Berkeley. Heather has attended the Los Angeles Fire Depart ment Leadership Academy. She recently graduates the master ’ s program in Security Studies at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California. Her thesis is about the challenges faced by female firefighters. Her thesis is titled Working Fire: Recruitment and Retention of Women Firefighters. Diane Matsumoto Diane Matsumoto ’ s fire service career spanned just short of 20 years, serving in volunteer, federal and municipal departments. She worked her way from firefighter to engineer to captain and during her final year of service was requested by the fire chief to explore grant opportunities. Diane has written more than twen ty FEMA SAFER and AFG grants with awards totaling over $14 million for fire departments from Southern California to Wash ington State. She has prepared successful grant applications for volunteer, combination, and full - time career fire departments. Justin McGough Justin McGough currently serves as the Deputy Fire Chief for the Corona Fire Department. Before coming to Corona, Chief McGough served as a Battalion Chief/Air Tactical Group Supervi sor for the CAL FIRE/Riverside County Fire Department, oversee ing the Hemet - Ryan Air Attack Base. In his 34 years of experi ence in the Fire Service, he has experience in Fire Suppression, Fire Investigation, Air Operations, Emergency Medical Response, and Fire Training. Chief McGough has taught at numerous na tionwide training events for the Riverside County Training Offic ers Association, Riverside Community College Fire Academy, CAL FIRE Academy, and Fire Training Resources and Firehouse Maga zine. Chief McGough has spent 13 years assigned to CAL FIRE ’ s Incident Management Teams as an Operations Section Chief and an Incident Commander trainee. Some of his Incident Manage ment Team experiences include four of the top 10 most signifi cant and most destructive wildfires in California ’ s history, the H1N1 Flu pandemic, and the Oroville Dam Spillway Incident. In the final year of his bachelor ’ s degree program at Columbia Southern University, Chief McGough has an Associate of Science degree in Fire Science from the same institution. Justin has been married for 19 years to his wife, Gina, who recently retired after
Justice from California State University, Los Angeles, and is cur rently pursuing her Master's Degree in Organizational Leader ship through California Coast University. Benjamin Thomas Greer, J.D. Benjamin Thomas Greer, J.D., M.A. is an Emergency Manage ment Instructor, California Governor's Office of Emergency Ser vices (CalOES) Mr. Greer's role at the California Governor's Office of Emergency Services is as a subject matter expert in the field of human trafficking and child sexual exploitation; specifi cally instructing and developing human trafficking courses for law enforcement and emergency management personnel. Be fore joining Cal OES, he served as a Special Deputy Attorney General for the California Department of Justice - Office of the Attorney General. He led a team of attorneys and non - attorneys in a comprehensive report for the California Attorney General entitled, "The State of Human Trafficking in California 2012" and published extensively on various aspects of trafficking. Aside from his work with CalOES, he recently graduated from the Na val Postgraduate School's Center for Homeland Defense and Security Master's Degree Program and is a Research Associate for the University of Cambridge's Centre for Applied Research in Human Trafficking (CCARHT). Russell Hayden The level of innovation that Mr. Hayden infused into the area of recruitment earned him the Outstanding Employee Award for the City of San Jose. His contributions included the development of the fire department ’ s first recruitment program. He built up on this program to include a comprehensive internship compo nent that yielded many successful recruits who are where hired nationwide. Recognizing the needs of candidates to be better prepared for the application and testing process, Mr. Hayden developed the acclaimed eight - hour course entitled “21 st Cen tury Diversity Recruitment Workshop ”. He continues to conduct this highly effective workshop throughout the nation. Addition ally, Mr. Hayden has participated as an oral board member and proctor for agencies throughout the nation. Jason Hosea Jason Hosea is a Battalion Chief with the Long Beach Fire Depart ment currently coordinating the department ’ s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Program including diversity recruitment efforts. He is also the Chair of the Training and Education Committee for the California State Firefighter ’ s Association. Chief Hosea is tenured as the Fire Technology Program Coordinator for East Los Angeles College. He currently has 26 years of experience in the fire ser vice. He holds a Master ’ s Degree from CSU Long Beach in Emer gency Services Administration and a Bachelor ’ s Degree in Voca tional Education.
Greg Lloyd Hemet Fire Department
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